12 Dec 2014
Students, graduating class of 2014 and their entourage, family and friends of students at Ebenezer , my wonderful staff.
I'd like to start with a Christmassy joke from one of the bon-bons at our staff Christmas party. I said they were good enough for the Presentation Day speech at the time and I thought I should back up what I said at the time, no matter how impulsive or influenced by the frivolity of the moment.
Where do sick gnomes go? To the elf centre.
Now that's done I want to begin my speech, or what my staff like to call it, my ramble. My ramble's on paper this time so it should be a bit shorter. It's my great honour to say thankyou to all of you for making my first year as principal at Ebenezer such a wonderful ride! My Ebenezer staff team, for all you do for the kids. I don't think you realise the impact you have every day. Your kindness and caring for students as whole people is inspirational and beautiful to lead! You really burn the candle to light the way for every student here. Every single one of you bring unique gifts to this school and I thank you. The kids love you. Thankyou Mrs Proglio and staff for organising today, you have done credit to yourselves and the school.
To the community. Thank you for bringing your children to our school and trusting us with them every day. They say ‘Different people bring the world to this small place.' This is so true here. Our community is diverse and represents the dynamic nature of Australian society. I have seen open debate, small controversies, true cooperation. We share a common purpose in that we all congregate here at Ebenezer Public School for the sake of your kid's academic, social and emotional development. This year the fastest and healthiest path to turning off the white noise that distracts us all from our common purpose has been the pathway to your child's teacher. We have a wonderful staff here. Communication is the way to ensure we are all on the same page and I ask you to keep this up. To the P&C, thank you for all you do as a parent representative body. I thankyou for your outrageously warm welcome and the positive comments about where we are headed. Collaboration will continue to be our way of doing things here at Ebenezer.
To our kids. Our business, our reason for being. What a gorgeous bunch of young people you are! You are why we all get out of bed and come to this school each day and you make Ebenezer a fantastic place to be. In this world of ours that we share we are going through some worrying times. It is an uncertain place and you, Ebenezer kids, bring hope and certainty that if the future is in your sensational young Australian hands, we are going to be OK.
To the captains, you do receive an extra mention as the students who the rest of us wanted to follow. A good leader is someone people will want to go on a journey with. Your fortitude, resilience, flexibility and teamwork have been wonderful to watch. You have been great captains. If this is what I have to expect, the bar is high for the future leaders. To next year's leaders, follow the path of leadership where you are servants before leaders. To lead you first have to serve. Good luck to you all and congratulations on your election. Thankyou to the huge contingent of candidates for 2015 Captain positions. I have a special message for you:
I know how you feel you're not alone in feeling like you do.
It can be a big dent in confidence for a child. It is tough but it can be the making of you. Knocks like this are real life in the adult world – your parents and I know this - and a taste early can help create a determined character.
I'm a big fan of all of the kids here but it was wonderful to see so many candidates not only having a go but risking failure! You are a mature and thoughtful bunch and you will go a long way in this life.
This will not be the last opportunity you have. Some of history's great leaders found their talents only until they were well into their adult years.
And finally to the whole of Year 6. Leadership falls on you all in the last year of primary school. Although this year was Year 6 for you at Ebenezer Public School as a student, this year was Kindergarten for me as a principal. Along with the staff you guided me through the year and delighted me with your humour, tenacity, gentle openness and desire to make Ebenezer a great school.
I would like to let you all know that next year Mrs Lansdowne will be at another school. She has been so exemplary as a Reading Recovery teacher she has been headhunted to go to Blackett Public School as a full-time Reading Recovery and Early Intervention Teacher. Well done Erin - refreshing your career is an important thing to do as a teacher and grabbing this opportunity is important for you. We will miss you, thankyou for sharing our wonderful class and being flexible, professional and warm. Just reminding you we still have our Ebenezer hooks in you.
I would like to announce that Mrs Lansdowne's position will be filled in a part-time contract capacity by Mrs Lisa Vallis. Mrs Vallis has proved to be experienced, well matched to our school and will continue on with a style of high expectations for the children, high level parent communication and a gentle yet firm approach. I would like to finish with our school vision. We have worked on this all together and it will help build our pathway through the next 5 years at Ebenezer Public School:
‘At Ebenezer PS we are building on a strong, inclusive school community with a focus on learning. We are committed to ensuring students reach their potential. We produce resilient, knowledgeable and respectful people who can look back with pride and nostalgia at their time here. The focus of the school is true to our values: our motto ‘Ever Onward' requires that we will strive to be better at what we do every day. We hold high expectations to ensure students become aspirational, self-directed and collaborative learners who have the capacity to succeed in a dynamic 21st century society.'
Have a wonderful and safe Christmas and we look forward to a 2015 where teaching and learning is our focus, driven by passion.