Ebenezer Public School

Ever Onward

Telephone02 4579 9282


Welcome Back! Another great year of learning at Ebenezer Public School!

Hi Everyone!
A warm hello to all families returning and an extra warm hi to our new families! We hope you had a great break and are ready for another year at our lovely school. Please note the following info that will help you get started this year at Ebenezer:
• We are beginning this year with a requirement that Ebenezer Public School students wear completely black school shoes. Black joggers must be black, without trimmings in another colour. If you have purchased shoes you are not sure about don't panic! See me or give us a call and we will work it through. A tidy, neat appearance that is 'uniform' helps your child feel part of the school and helps us portray that we are a proud public school focussed on learning.
• Children Crossing and Parking - We would like our students to stand at a safe distance away from the crossing (on the footpath) until all traffic has come to a stop. We would like them to then walk across carefully, the eldest students leading the way. This has helped keep our crossing area safe for some time now. Please remind your children before they start this year.
• Parking on the school side near the teacher's carpark is parallel to the road and in line with the parking sign - not over. U-Turns are illegal in school zones and be mindful of the 40 km/h speed limit. Please take great care around our school. Sorry, only staff parking or official deliveries inside the school parking area. We have a very mindful group of parents dropping off and picking up their kids each day. We are truly thankful every day for you and what you do.
• We have a great parent community led by a great P&C. Please consider coming to meetings, they are great fun and a great opportunity to have your say.
More will be in the first newsletter in Week 2. See you all soon!
Mr O'Brien and the staff.