Ebenezer Public School

Ever Onward

Telephone02 4579 9282


Rotary Awards Night for Outstanding Citizenship


The European Commission states active citizenship is:

'Participation in civil society, community and/or political life, characterised by mutual respect and non-violence and in accordance with human rights and democracy'.

Griffin and Olivia were chosen from all our outstanding Year 6 citizens as exemplary participants in school life, excellent role models and reflective of our aim to produce 'resilient, knowledgeable and respectful people who can look back with pride and nostalgia at their time here'.

Mr Johnson and Mr O'Brien attended this event, organised by Rotary, one of the community organisations that adhere people together for the greater good of our remarkable democracy.

Thank you Rotary and thank you Griffin and Olivia for being great role models for our young students and fantastic representatives of our wonderful little school.