Ebenezer Public School

Ever Onward

Telephone02 4579 9282


At Ebenezer we use technology to support learning

Why? We have to use technologies power to improve student outcomes. In and of itself technology only supports learning. ‘When I write with a pen, I'm not pondering the pen. I'm not staring at the pen trying to figure out how they got the ink in there. It's not the pen that's important, it's what I do with it that matters. Technology in schools is not about teaching a kid Microsoft Word, it's about helping that student to become a better writer. It's not about teaching students how to use Excel, it's about helping them to become better problem solvers. It's not about having students learn PowerPoint, it's about helping them become better communicators.' Ian Jukes 2002

How? We have a collection of Ipads, laptops and PC Computers in our school that supports learning. This collection is evolving and increasing as funds are made available.

Platforms such as Google Apps for Education, Reading Eggs and Mathletics give students a chance to practice skills, share their learning and explore their creativity in a safe, dynamic way.