Ebenezer Public School

Ever Onward

Telephone02 4579 9282


A fantastic 40th Anniversary Ebenezer Art Show

What a weekend!

This year's Art Show once again paraded our school and community beautifully. As we celebrated the 40th Anniversary our committee were driven to promote and prepare a fantastic celebration of local art. Thank you so much those who helped out, as you finally took a breath on Saturday evening know that your efforts were worth it.

This art show is a reflection of a dynamic and diverse community. It was wonderful to get together, touch base and bask in a bit of what our area has to offer. A gentle, caring community creating social cohesion in a busy, complicated world. There are so many reasons to not connect nowadays and these events are the glue that communities need. I think all those that help out even in a small way intrinsically know this.

So if you were burning midnight oil creating something or teeing things up, setting up, cleaning up or just throwing your support in by turning up... thank you.



