Ebenezer Public School

Ever Onward

Telephone02 4579 9282


2018 Professional Learning for our Teachers... question: what has the biggest impact?

This year we enter an exciting phase in our vision to have our classrooms buzzing with learning and engagement. We have decided to embark on an initiative alongside some of our Learning Community schools based on the best educational research around.

Statistically what interventions do you think has the most impact on student achievement?

As I did when first asked this question you may immediately start going through a list that looks a bit like this – Homework. Groupwork. Reduced class size. Ability grouping…
Actually after a huge analysis of research worldwide, John Hattie found that the following interventions have the largest impact on student achievement.


(0.40 = one whole year of standardised growth. Therefore high student expectations of themselves as learners gives the equivalent of 3.6 years of growth in one year!).

Out of these processes, what can the school change to ensure our students get the best from their time with us? That is the question we have set out to answer to get our heads around the process of changing our focus at Ebenezer to maximise student achievement.
Right now we are gathering data to find out what our students think about their own learning. We will feedback this to the staff, you as parents and the students.