Annual Ebenezer Art Show
Why? The idea is to engage authentically with the school community to create not only a fundraising opportunity but to reconnect with each other each year. Ebenezer Public School shines when this event is on.
When and How? In Term 1 every year the P&C begin planning the yearly Art Show. They create a committee to spread the load and begin to steer the big ship. It's a lot of work but each committee members love the camaraderie and the shared desire to support the school. Planning collaboratively, the team start to pound the phone and the computer, to organise the event. The focus is:
Quality local art
Community cohesion
The students create an artwork to sell to their parents as part of the display in the hall, the scaffolding for which was built by parents and is erected yearly by parents/helpers.
At Ebenezer we are proud of our traditions and this tradition is a cornerstone of the community – part of the makeup of our school. We continue to teach and encourage Creative Arts and support a strong and inclusive P&C. The Art Show brings these goals together in a fanfare of good feeling.
The money is a bonus and we continue to spend it on improving the school.
Thank you all who support us.