Ebenezer Public School

Ever Onward

Telephone02 4579 9282


Thank you P&C

Our parent community is very well-represented by a strong P&C tasked with supporting the school on your behalf. The Art Show raises much-needed funds for the P&C to support worthwhile school initiatives that align with the vision and direction of the school. Last year P&C voted to fund a $13,000 irrigation scheme to preserve our lovely gardens into the future, a wonderful use of funding.

I can officially say the irrigation system is installed and operational. This aligns beautifully with the winding up of integration works and the front footpath being completed. On behalf of the school we thank you for your support of P&C organised fundraising and the continued support of a dynamic and supportive P&C.


It may not look like much but this irrigation network covers most of the front gardens of the school as well as parts of our back area.  It is centrally controlled and easy to use.