03 Jul 2018
Students and their parents / carers who received a gold award this semester joined me in the OOSH room for quite an enjoyable morning tea last Wednesday 27th June. I can, with certainty say each student has proven to be a wonderful example of what a young person should strive to be.
Not because someone told me them to behave. Not because their parents said they were gorgeous and worthy.
Because the evidence says so.
Every time you get a token you have to really earn it. You need to be selected from the crowd 15 times.
Then to get a Bronze Award you have to be selected from the crowd, for being exemplary 45 times!
For a Silver Award you have to be selected 90 times!
For a Gold Award…120 times! At a minimum, these students impressed the staff at Ebenezer 120 times.
We are proud of you Gold Award winners!